
the adventures of Chubbette as she persues (yet again) weight loss. I just want to get under 200 pounds for chrissake, is that too much to ask?

Thursday, January 3, 2008

it's gonna be a sassy New Year

I made it through the holidays fairly unscathed. There were a few flirtations with sugar cookies and chocolate but not too bad all-in-all. I did not lose my mind and fuck up so badly that the progress I have made has been undone. Still hovering between 208 and 209 but I think the damn is about to burst--I feel another shedding is about to commence. And I did do one thing I am very pleased by in the last few days--I went through my closets and drawers and got rid of everything that no longer fits--not only the stuff that is too small and outdated, but the stuff that is now too big. Nice stuff. I hesitated here and there--what if things go horribly wrong as they always have since I have been trying to lose weight (since I was 13) and I wind up having nothing to wear? No--not going to go there. Let go. The clothes were bagged and dropped at Goodwill the same day. No going back. And, it was really nice to go through my closet and try on things that I have not been able to wear in a long time...it's also cool to open my closet now and peruse it from one end to the other knowing that every single item hanging in there fits me right now. That's a first. And some if it looks nice on me, too. I feel good about how I look at the moment, and for that I am grateful. And--hey--I am wearing a pair of Old Navy size 16 jeans and they're loose. Not bad.